Wednesday, August 1, 2012

So, yeah....

So I realized I'm not so great at this blogging thing. To my defense, I have been crazy busy with all my vacations packed in right after I had the grand idea to start this lovely blog. The first two days of August have proved to be super exciting. I got my housing assignment yesterday and I just pressed the submit button to my Panhellenic Recruitment (a.k.a. Rush) application. I'm trying so hard not to go wake up my mom right now... yep, I'm the girl that geeks about everything. Back to the housing assignment, I got Marsh Hall #325. Hellllooooooo walk-in closets. Yes, I'm talking about WALK-IN closets in a college dorm. Example A:

And yes, you should come to Wofford because I'm pretty sure that's a freshie luxury. I'll have to do another post about my developing pile of pink and green in the middle of the den.   More to come.... 

xo, KG


  1. A walk-in closet, Rush, what next? Glad things are moving right along. August 30th will be here too soon!

    1. Thanks for the comment! I'm not sure what's in store for me, but God knows! He's got great plans for me at Wofford, I can tell!
