Monday, August 6, 2012

Big Girl Things

Well... I just finished stamping a few bills. Did I just say bills? I'm only 18, but I already have responsibilities that I never imagined. It feels good to accomplish something on your own. I feel so grown up... and it's quite scary. Anyways, I thought I would share with the world what I've been doing, thinking, and reading over the past few weeks. First of all, I've been reading an  amazing book called Not a Fan as part of a book/Bible study with my youth group at church. Kyle Idleman is this totally relatable guy that is actually the pastor of a 20,000+ member church in Louisville, Kentucky. He writes about what it truly means to live by the verse Luke 9:23. It says, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow me." Now, for me that's easy to read but so hard to actually do. Kyle describes a totally radical but invigorating way of FOLLOWING Christ. He asks, "Are you a fan or follower?" I find myself somewhere in between in the beginning. I've taken baby steps in order to follow Christ but I don't think I'm leaping for Him yet. Now that I'm half way through, I realize I'm more of a fan that I thought, and God says that's OK. All Jesus does is simply give EVERYONE an invitation to deny everything human and follow Him. It's a daily process of thinking W.W.J.D in every decision possible. That's all it takes. What Would Jesus Do? Stay tuned for my thoughts on the one and only Dr. Ruth's book about College Life. Trust me, it was mom's choice.

xo, Kg

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